How to Set Up Apple VR Pro: Optimize with Our Guide

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VR Pro

If you’ve just got an Apple VR Pro, most likely you’ll want to try it immediately. And if you didn’t, you probably wonder what it’s like to assemble a $3,500 VR headset.

Before we dive into the setup part, remember that Apple only sells the VR Pro directly via its website or its stores. That is because there is a whole fitting process needed to guarantee the headset fits right up on your face. For online ordering, you are required to have a Face ID iPhone/iPad. On the Apple website, a QR code can be scanned with your device, and your face will be scanned. Mainly, when you need to scan the QR code, the site will first scan your face.

If you purchase the headset in a store, somebody there will do the fitting for you. The custom fitting process involved appropriate adjustment and/or mixing and matching some elements of the face mask on the device to them the best fitting against your face. After the fitting is done properly, the initial setup is next.


1: Turn the Vision Pro On

You can either buy Vision Pro from an Apple Store or have it shipped right to your home, and the next thing is just to turn the device on. Here this is a bit tougher than just pressing a button on the headset since the battery pack is separate. Firstly, get the Vision Pro from the box and then remove the battery pack, power adapter, and USB-C-to-USB-C cable. Connect the battery pack to the round connector at one end of the cable coming from the battery and the plug on the left side of the headset. It’s not a MagSafe connection; the dot on the connector needs to be aligned with the blank dot on the headset, and then you press it in so the dots match. The cable will run directly back when it is connected.

At this point, the Vision Pro will boot up. You could also consider leaving the battery pack plugged into a wall outlet to be filled while you set everything to run.


2: Put the Vision Pro On Your Head

Now comes the exciting part: Slip the Vision Pro goggles up your face, place the headband over the back of your head, and turn the adjustment dial to the right to tighten it. The display should instruct you to press and hold the digital crown and stare at the floating glasses in front of you to align your view. ( Next, you’ll be presented with a surprisingly bright and sharp representation of what’s around you and the setup will initiate.


3: Scan Your iPhone and Link Your Apple ID

You require an iPhone or iPad to set up the Vision Pro. Your headset will indicate you bring your phone close to your face; after that, the screen should prompt you to unlock it to initiate the setup process. After that, your phone will display a QR code that you need to scan with the Vision Pro to continue.

This is quite awkward because the iPhone does not seem to play any key role except for telling the Vision Pro the Wi-Fi network to use and serving as the two-factor authentication (2FA) device for connecting the headset to your Apple ID. For the Apple ID, you can opt to type in your credentials manually with a virtual keyboard but then you’ll have to get a six-digit 2FA code from your iPhone to finally approve the action.


4: Scan Your Hand

Hand gestures are a major part of the VisionOS interface, next is showing Vision Pro your hands in the vision through. It is going to direct you to extend your arms in front of you and put your palms up to face the headset. Then it will inform you to turn your hands over. The scanning will be done then.


5: Eye Calibration

Eye-tracking is an even more important part of VisionOS than hand gestures so the headset will be watching where your eyes are to get it right. A dot will be shown to you, then six dots in a circle will appear with a tap gesture on each one. Then it will light up the screen and have you go through the circle again, light up more, and make you do it for the third time. (c) The University of Sheffield 2015. University of Sheffield Web-Based Learning:: module Maybe it is to see how your eyes look at the objects when they’re efferent to the degree to which the picture is bright.


6:Set Up Your FaceTime Personality

Since you’ll be wearing a large mask on your face when using FaceTime on the Vision Pro, there is no live-view like the one you would have with the selfie camera on your iPhone or the webcam on your Mac. Apple, on the other side, to Meta’s typically generated avatars as being of the Pixar kind, makes a simulated face of the actual person involved in video chats, done digitally, to show people that the person is making the call to in the chats.

The Vision Pro will tell you to take it off your head and point the visor at your face. The display on the front will glow and display a series of circles with your face within them. Shockingly, but bravo speakers will command you to have a look at the visor, then turn your head left, right, up, and down. After that it will take your facial expressions by having your smile with your lips closed, smile while showing your teeth, close your eyes, and lift your eyebrows. Eight such actions add up to the Vision Pro putting together a surprisingly good, photorealistic representation of your face for use on FaceTime calls (with it not getting my hair right).


7: Set Up Optic ID

In place of Face ID, the Vision Pro employs Optic ID. It means it checks your eyes to ensure you are who you claim you are. Once you set up your FaceTime persona, the Vision Pro tells you to gaze at a symbol next to you. In about a few seconds Optic ID will be set up. Seriously, that’s it.

One more thing, for your security, the Vision Pro holds a six-digit manual passcode, similar to iOS, iPadOS, and macOS devices.


8: Turn on the Vision Pro

Once all the aforementioned steps are taken the headset will be activated. It took a few minutes but it ended in approximately 20 seconds.

After this, the VR Pro will have a short lesson on some basic gestures and interface elements such as the selection of an element, resizing of windows, and quick menus.


9: Starting Spatial Computing

After the Vision Pro is configured, you will see your surroundings with a floating screen in front of you displaying icons that look like those on macOS. The headset is ready for use; launch into the preinstalled apps or enjoy the App Store.



To conclude, the Apple VR Pro setup is a detailed procedure aligned to guarantee a smooth user adventure. From the start to the end, the gestures as well as eye movements calibration all reflect Apple’s steadfast devotion to commission and innovation.

Configured, the Apple VR Pro interface is highly immersive and integrates the digital and the physical. Features such as FaceTime persona setup and Optic ID authentication provide users with a secure and personalized VR experience. Two aspects of the Apple VR Pro are explored: pre-installed apps and App Store searching for new ones. They will bring a new way to human spatial computing as they are designed smartly and have advanced technology.