Top 10 Best AI Tools For LinkedIn Users Free

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LinkedIn Users

Are you a LinkedIn user enthusiast who wants to polish your social media abilities? We feel you. LinkedIn can be utilized in a way that can make civil networking and career-building easier for you. However, as the number of tools and functionality on the platform increases, it is quite difficult to identify the areas to work on. Humanizing: That is why we have this list of the top 10 best AI tools that are free for use by LinkedIn users. These stones will enable you to flaunt your credentials but not your skills, focusing on quality not quantity. They will take care of tedious jobs like automation and offer new content ideas. ’I’m here to take your LinkedIn game to the next level. This article goes through the complete list of items that you need to succeed with your profile and network using no money. Let’s dive in!


How Many Users Are on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn boasts of having more than one-third of a billion users till now. LinkedIn users, people from different professions and various industries, demonstrate that they can widen and strengthen their professional network, get acquainted with novel professional and personal development, and explore a way to career advancement on the platform.


A Networking Powerhouse

With membership in over 200 countries, it is now claimed to be the most extensive professional network on the internet. LinkedIn Users are created at a rate of two every second which shows how effective the platform is in providing an opportunity for professional networking throughout the globe.


Valuable for Businesses and Recruiters

LinkedIn offers a platform that can be used to recruit employees of great potential and attract clients via its wide network of professionals. Over 50 million companies utilize LinkedIn to reinforce their brand, engage with consumers, and find new hires so LinkedIn members have several occupational chances by training and career progression.


An Evolving Platform

LinkedIn Users can now afford a wide choice, including professionals, businesses, recruiters, and job seekers. Aside from building connections, professionals can also share industry-related content, take part in industry discussions, attend free online courses, and apply for job openings on the platform. LinkedIn still looks forward to supporting its users to reach their professional targets. The platform is constantly improving itself to do that.

It has millions of users who treat it as an unavoidable resource for a global network of professionals who are known as “influencers”. Many LinkedIn member treats their profiles as their professional resumes, update this information constantly, and engage in the platform regularly to succeed in networking, career progression, and getting insights on industry developments. The exploitation of its wide user community LinkedIn allows the professional rise and development of every person.


What Are the Top 5 Types of LinkedIn Users?

LinkedIn exposes various kinds of users to different active and engagement scales. Whereas some of the LinkedIn users are highly active every day, others might only log in just once in a while. One individual’s choice is to post lengthy articles, but another’s manner is to minimize them to updates. Researching those differences among LinkedIn participants is a must and valuable when targeting and communicating with them.

The Social Butterfly These users love to engage and connect. They’re frequently posting updates, commenting on other’s posts, joining groups, and sending connection requests. While sociable, their activity may come across as scattered. If you want to connect, focus on building rapport by commenting on their posts and sending a personalized invitation.

The Promoter These users are all about self-promotion. Nearly every update and post is about their company or service. Although their activity can seem overly promotional, they may still be open to connecting if you express interest in their business or industry. Reach out and start a conversation about a post of theirs that caught your attention.

The Lurker In contrast to the Social Butterfly, Lurkers rarely post updates or engage with others. They log in to browse profiles and updates but prefer to remain on the sidelines. Don’t be offended if a Lurker doesn’t accept your connection request or engage with your posts—it’s just not their style. If you do connect, keep communication light and casual.

The Networker These users aim to connect with as many people as possible. They send out connection requests frequently but rarely engage beyond that. While having a large network may be beneficial for some, the connections tend to lack depth. Only accept a request from a Networker if you have mutual connections or interests. Otherwise, their activity may just add noise to your feed.

LinkedIn users are the way they take part in and value the platform. Some are highly involved, regularly posting updates and engaging with others, whereas, others may be passive users, just browsing the feed without actively acting. Having a clear understanding of the various categories of LinkedIn participants will enable you to design your interactions and engagement strategies with these categories in mind. 


LinkedIn Through the Years

Professionals from different industries and regions are LinkedIn Users community members united by a common target. Being one of the largest professional social media networks with one billion active members, LinkedIn makes a solid platform for networking, career development, and knowledge sharing. Profitable interaction with other Connections on the LinkedIn network can lead to great networking, collaboration, and extensive avenues for professional development.


The Rise of Company Pages (2007)

In 2007, LinkedIn started Company Pages so that employers could create profiles of their companies and connect with potential employees. This made a way for businesses, as well as individuals, to establish new relationships, keep up to date, and even find jobs or employees.


Introducing the Newsfeed (2011)

In 2011, the new LinkedIn newsfeed became news which marked the beginning of a new era. This function was the one that gave LinkedIn users the ability to publish articles, posts, and other content in their contacts, which was a reason why this social sphere enjoyed such high engagement. Moreover, this not only made advertising more targeted but also tailored as it used profile details and connections of LinkedIn Users for more effective advertising campaigns.


Acquisition by Microsoft (2016)

In 2016, Microsoft bought out a LinkedIn network for the sum of $26.2 billion. Through LinkedIn, Microsoft has extended the functionality of the platform even further by doing things like video sharing, events, and messaging. LinkedIn’s unification with Microsoft’s business tools such as Outlook has also strongly cemented its status for these users.

Nowadays, LinkedIn is the top Social Networking Site for all professionals and job seekers. Regardless of whether you want to network, develop your brand, or look for a new job, by hiring, LinkedIn has what it takes to help you fulfill your goals. The future is promising for more inventions and making it more convenient for users to work smarter and better.


LinkedIn Age Demographics

On LinkedIn, the generation gap varies in how the platform is being used and what target is being pursued. Here, the most significant age group is young people aged 25-34. This segment is all about career and therefore working on their professional networks with new prospects in mind.


Millennials (25-34 years old)

For the Millennial generation, LinkedIn is the must-have tool on the way to career growth. These individuals can demonstrate their leadership status in a particular industry by creating original blog posts, participating in LinkedIn group discussions, and sharing their insights. They use LinkedIn to look for mentors as well as as the catalyst for connecting with people who think like them.


Generation X (35-54 years old)

Generation X respects both balance at work and a stable lifestyle. On LinkedIn, they aim to sustain the connections they have made over the years and networks they built up. Although they are very open to new ideas they will still be very particular in their choices. They get active on LinkedIn by posting comments, making updates, and joining relevant groups. There is no question that for Young professionals,’ LinkedIn is a channel for tracking trends and keeping up with the mobility in their workplace.


Baby Boomers (55-73 years old)

Having the smallest on LinkedIn, Baby Boomers are the least interested ones. Yet, their great sense of professionalism and large networks are a vital addition. On LinkedIn, Boomers (the generation that is born between 1945 and 1965 ) link up with their past colleagues, catch up with recent developments within familiar groups, and follow influencers in their industry. A part of them remain mentoring and consulting via online platforms like LinkedIn to enlighten the young generation with their experiences.

To conclude, although everyone utilizes LinkedIn, how and why users interact with the platform depends vastly on one’s career and life circumstances. However, your age shouldn’t influence whether or not you have an active and optimized LinkedIn profile; it is a crucial factor in driving up your chances of success and striving toward your goals in your job.


LinkedIn Location Demographics

The social media platform, LinkedIn is a professional network with as many as 600 million members across the world. The platform is built to provide users with a space to communicate with colleagues, find new positions, and reinforce their expert pages.


United States

The fact that people in America represent the largest single share of LinkedIn users (i.e., over 150 million people) should not come as a surprise. Top-tier usage reside in big techie centers such as San Francisco, Seattle, Austin, and New York City. Covering the U.S., the members employ LinkedIn to discover career vacancies, reconnect with previous coworkers, and attract the attention of their businesses.



India ranks second in LinkedIn’s world rankings with over 76 million members. LinkedIn has devoted a lot of resources to growth in India by starting the Hindi version and tapping into the major Indian companies. Indians choose the membership because they are young, ambitious aspiring leaders who want to excel in their careers and gain international opportunities.



Alternatively, LinkedIn does not operate in China, but there are still more than 45 million profiles with Chinese users. Chinese members reach the global LinkedIn platform through VPN and get to communicate with their counterparts from abroad. This is the growing need for business and networking beyond China, globally.



The United Kingdom has over 23 million LinkedIn members, attracted by its usefulness for finding jobs, networking, and sharing industry news. London, in particular, has a high rate of usage as a global financial and business center. British members tend to use LinkedIn as a way to raise their professional profiles and find new career opportunities.



Brazil ranks first in terms of the number of members on LinkedIn, with around 18 million people, more than 90 % of them living in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. LinkedIn for Brazil has grown fast, showing the country’s rising level of prosperity and the necessity of competent workers. through LinkedIn, Brazilian members demonstrate their special skills, get a better-paid job, and network with other professionals on a worldwide level.


Mind-Blowing LinkedIn Statistics and Facts

LinkedIn is the world’s leading professional platform with more than 690 million members from more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.


Over 40 million companies have a presence on LinkedIn.

This implies that the prospect of finding your dream job is high, as probably it is on LinkedIn. You can pursue companies by following them to know if they have vacancies or any news.


There are over 55 million students and recent college graduates on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is an awesome platform for students and new graduates who are in the process of crafting their professional profiles, networking with alumni and looking for internships and entry-level job positions.


LinkedIn has over 260 million monthly active users.

With influencing millions of professional users, the best social network for professionals today is LinkedIn. It is a perfect tool to interact both with colleagues, mentors, and persons, who are in the industry.


There are over 3 million jobs posted on LinkedIn.

If you are on the job hunt, the very first thing you should do is create a profile on LinkedIn. Employment is a great opportunity to use the skills that you have. There are millions of jobs from different sectors and in many locations.


Over 4.2 billion connections have been made on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn’s strength comes from the complete network known internationally. Having the right people around you at the best time can prepare the way for fresh trends, partnerships, and doors that you’ve never thought existed.


60% of LinkedIn members drive business decisions.

One of the remarkable things about LinkedIn is that it is occupied by high-powered business leaders, executives, and decision-makers. Engaging with them on LinkedIn is a proven path to greater visibility and allows you to explore new business prospects.

The impact and range of LinkedIn is just so amazing, that it is hard to put into words. Whatever your objective may be – to expand your profession, connect with like-minded people and potential business partners, or simply, help you develop a professional network – LinkedIn is certainly the place to achieve it. Use the aforementioned points and prove to yourself how job-hunting via LinkedIn can indeed skyrocket your success.


LinkedIn: Company Financials

LinkedIn’s financials have rather grown constantly since the year started. At the close of 2020, LinkedIn produced over $8 billion in revenue, 80% of which came from the enterprise’s talent solutions.


Premium Subscriptions

LinkedIn’s premium subscriptions which are tailor-made for LinkedIn users generate around 20% of the platform’s total revenue. For a monthly fee of $29.99, users get additional insights on their network and visibility on how many people are looking at their profile as well as regular reports on profile engagement. Furthermore, recruiters and salespeople are using specific tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator and LinkedIn Users Recruiter with extra options for prospecting new leads and candidates.


Talent Solutions

Talent Solutions, the biggest and most lucrative business unit of LinkedIn users, currently brings more than $5 billion annually. Companies are using LinkedIn’s platform to post jobs and to source, and recruit candidates, along with training their employees. LinkedIn also offers analytics and intelligence to help companies understand talent markets and trends.


Marketing Solutions

Marketers utilize LinkedIn for brand building, professional engagement, and website traffic or event promotion. Through sponsored posts and content, brands can quickly get in contact with a LinkedIn user’s audience of business decision-makers and employees. Through job title, company, location, and interest-based precision advertising, marketers can reach people who would be difficult to find in numbers elsewhere.

LinkedIn’s steady growth as well as the diversity in its business model makes the company stable. Even though economic recessions influence budgets for hiring and marketing, LinkedIn users’ vital position as a professional network and recruitment tool gives it resilience. Among the social media tools in use now, no platform connects the global workforce like LinkedIn users, as it has over 722 million members.


LinkedIn vs Social Apps: Users

LinkedIn users may take full advantage of 700 million members of a strong global professional network. LinkedIn seems to be unlike common social media platforms in some crucial aspects, though.

Different from Facebook or Instagram which emphasize personal connections and share life scenarios, LinkedIn is all about career and business goals. Your circle includes colleagues, ex-workmates, and professional contacts. The content you see is related to job openings, career counsel, and work discussions.

Whereas other social networks promote casual conversations and the sharing of personal information, the tone of communication on LinkedIn is supposed to maintain formality and be professional. Your profile, posts, and communications should demonstrate your expertise and professional experience, and keep for personal social media photos as selfies, food snapshots, and weekend outings.

LinkedIn users have at their disposal particular tools created with the main objective of helping them in job hunting and career development. You can start doing job searches, apply for recruitment companies, participate in industry groups, take online courses, and promote your professional career through this platform. These aims of career yielding differentiate LinkedIn from traditional social media platforms.

As a result, some common grounds do arise. Lots of people on LinkedIn are connective to past classmates, former colleagues, and friends and they keep sharing life events like birthdays and wedding parties or just adding personal interests. Nevertheless, provided that the overall tone would remain professional, these posts are not considered to be excessive.

The central tip here is to use LinkedIn for a particular purpose—to create helpful and meaningful connections, take advantage of new opportunities, and direct your career to the top. Make sure the content of your profile and your activity are devoted to your professional skills, strengths, goals, and achievements. Other than social networks that concentrate on sharing personal life updates, LinkedIn must be reserved solely for professional intents and linking professionals with the same mindset



Thus, this is the list of the top 10 best AI tools for LinkedIn users which are also free. These tools are designed to create attractive content and posts, analyze your network, and optimize your network life cycle, through which you can improve your experience with LinkedIn. Let’s not waste your time trying to figure everything out on your own. Let’s use AI to simplify your workload. First, pick one or two tools, based on their features, and check how well they meet your requirements, then gradually adopt more in the future. The more AI is integrated into your LinkedIn strategy, the larger the reward you’ll get from the platform. While this may be the case, always ensure the ethical employment of such devices and be genuine. Bear in mind that LinkedIn is about primarily establishing meaningful connections. Although AI provides a core useful function, the human factor shouldn’t be forgotten.